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Smile Quotes

A Beautiful Smile Without Any Reason Is the Smile of the Existence


A Beautiful Smile Without Any Reason Is the Smile of the Existence! - Mehmet Murat ildan

Social Beings

Human beings are built to socialize. We instinctively copy each other’s postures and facial expressions. When we are looking at a smiling face, we are naturally compelled to reciprocate. The best reason to smile is that it makes us feel good. Studies have shown that you can raise your mood by simply creating an artificial smile (such as biting a pencil). Other studies have shown that looking at an attractive smiling face activates brain areas associated with pleasure. When you smile during a conversation, both you and the other person are getting pleasurable doses of endorphins (natural brain chemicals), which creates a trusting and convivial atmosphere. Therefore smiling is an indispensable social mechanism that promotes harmony and keeps society together.

Reasons to Smile

A beautiful smile is one of the biggest assets you can have in life. Studies have shown that people who can’t smile due to facial paralysis have great difficulty socializing. Your smile signals to others that you are friendly and approachable. When you meet strangers, a big genuine smile dissipates tension and puts everyone at easy. The Turkish writer Mehmet Murat ildan once said, “A beautiful smile without any reason is the smile of the existence!” Truer words cannot be said. Aside from all the social and psychological reasons why we do it, a smile in and of itself allows us to transcend the mundane and the ordinary.

A Happier Life

It would be a terrible shame if crooked teeth prevented your child from experiencing all the wonderful things that a smile can offer. As children grow, they become increasingly self-conscious about their appearance, which peaks during teenage years. To hide his or her teeth, your child may suppress smiling and become less and less likely to smile. This makes it much harder for your child to make and maintain friendships, intensifying the loneliness that adolescents already feel. However there is hope. Braces will give your child a beautiful smile. If you live in Stafford, King George, and Fredericksburg, make an appointment with your local orthodontist and give your child a greater chance to find happiness in life.

Beecroft Orthodontics - 11113 Leavells Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

A Beautiful Smile Without Any Reason Is the Smile of the Existence

Smile with All Your Heart

“If you feel happy, smile with all your heart. If you're down, smile with all your might.” - Paul Ian Guillermo

A smile accents your best facial features and lets your personality shine through. Everyone loves seeing a pleasant expression on the faces of those they meet and work with. While some people are born with a beautiful smile, others are not so fortunate. Their teeth may be twisted or tilted. There may be gaps due to lost teeth. Sometimes, a person's teeth are yellow. Those who lack a lovely smile may lack confidence in their appearance and smile less than they otherwise would, feeling that others will judge them as unattractive. Here are a few thoughts to keep in mind.

When you're happy, share your joy with others through smiling. Let people know that you are smiling from the heart, and they will smile with you.

Keep Smiling

When life gets rough, keep on smiling. Don't give up! Even if your smile isn't quite as wide as when you're happy, you will still feel better by smiling, and you will make others feel better, too. Research shows that the muscles used to smile actually tap the nerve centers in the brain to make us feel better, so even when life is uncertain, continue to smile and you will be all right.

Smile with All Your Might

Times get tough for everyone sometimes. When you're having a bad day, smile anyway. Use your force of will to put a smile on your face, and you will automatically begin to feel better. Life will look rosier. Others will notice and be uplifted as well.

Every smile is beautiful, no matter who executes it. To optimize your smile, consult an orthodontist to discuss a treatment plan for addressing any misalignment issue. With proper treatment, your teeth will look their absolute best, boosting your overall appearance and your confidence.

Beecroft Orthodontics - 10472 Georgetown Dr, Fredericksburg, VA22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

Smile with All Your Heart

Be the Smile

"For a moment at least, be a smile on someone else's face." This quote by Dejan Stojanovic is, at heart, a reminder of the value of a smile. When you have the opportunity to be a smile on someone else’s face, why not take it? One of the most uplifting things you'll do throughout your day is giving someone else a reason to smile.

There are plenty of ways to go about this. A little bit of kindness goes a long way, especially for someone who is struggling. Consider taking the time to offer a helping hand to a busy mom struggling to get all of her groceries loaded into the car while her children bicker within, helping an older lady pump her gas at the gas station, or offering a kind word to the overwhelmed cashier at the checkout. Any of these small acts of kindness can go a long way toward bringing a smile to someone else's face.

The trick? A smile is the key. When you smile at someone, it automatically lets both you and them know that there's something to be happy about. When you spread joy to others, you're more joyful yourself--and that means that everyone spends the day with a brighter smile than ever before. If you do all sorts of good deeds with a frown on your face, you'll never truly help anyone; but by performing them with a smile, you'll make them smile in response. Everyone's day will be brighter as a result.

If you're having trouble bringing that smile to your face because you're embarrassed by the alignment of your teeth, contact an orthodontist today. It's not too late to make your smile shine bright -and you never know when someone else might be looking for a reason to share that smile.

Beecroft Orthodontics - 10472 Georgetown Dr, Fredericksburg, VA22553 Phone: 540 898 2200

Be the Smile